1.1 Name
The name of the Association shall be the National Association for Co-Teaching (here and after referred to as the NACT). The NACT is a non-profit corporation registered in the State of Minnesota.
Vision Statement
The vision of the NACT is to be the leading organization for educators committed to transforming education to ensure all students have access to high quality and equitable learning experiences by building the collective capacity of educators through co-teaching.
Mission Statement
The mission of the NACT is to:
- support the work of embedding co-teaching within educator preparation programs
- support Birth – 12th grade (B-12) co-teachers in building collective capacity within their schools to ensure student learning and success
- support the use of co-teaching to provide access to high quality and equitable learning experiences for all students
Achieving the Mission
The mission of the NACT shall be achieved through:
- A leadership structure committed to advocacy for the use of co-teaching in teacher preparation and B-12 settings. This includes an Executive Board and Three Councils representing all stakeholders.
- We are committed to providing:
- a clearinghouse of quality co-teaching materials
- training and professional development in co-teaching
- a strong research base for co-teaching
- a means of disseminating knowledge, information, and practices
- space for like-minded people to engage in professional dialogue
- advocacy for policy change
- An annual conference committed to sharing the most effective co-teaching practices and research across B-12, teacher preparation, and state agencies as well as other events or conferences sponsored or endorsed by the NACT.
3.1 Eligibility
Eligibility for membership shall be based on present or past active interest and/or participation in Co-Teaching.
3.2. Membership
Membership shall include any eligible persons who are current in payment of their dues. Individual members have rights and privileges of membership, including the right to attend business meetings of the NACT, to participate in its affairs, to receive the publications of the NACT, to vote for election of officers, and to serve on a council. Only members may serve as officers of the NACT and its councils.
Types and levels of membership will be developed and approved by the Executive Board as needed.
3.3 Dues
Membership dues shall be determined by the Executive Board and are to be paid annually.
3.4 Duties and liability.
In discharging duties related to the NACT, no member of the NACT shall be personally liable for any actions taken or commitments made in good faith by themselves or any other member or by the membership at large.
4.1. Composition.
Individuals who serve as the NACT Leadership must be members in good standing of the NACT.
NACT Leadership shall consist of the Elected Officers, Council Chairs, and the Advisory Board (Committee Chairs, Coordinators, and Publication Editors).
The Executive Board shall be composed of the Elected Officers of the Association (including the Past President, President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer) and the three Council Chairs.
Based on recommendation of each Council, the Elected Officers of the NACT will vote on final approval of Council Chair positions. The three Councils are as follows:
- Council of Administrators comprised of administrators within higher education, B-12 settings, and state department of education agencies.
- Council of Educator Preparation comprised of teacher preparation faculty, office of clinical field experience coordinators, and teacher candidate representative.
- Council of Classroom Educators comprised of licensed co-teachers (equitable representation of educational specialists), coaches, mentors, and family representative.
The Executive Board shall act on all matters of business of the NACT.
The Elected Officers of the NACT shall appoint the following non-voting Advisory Board positions:
- Coordinator of Co-Teaching Clearinghouse
- Coordinator of Training and Professional Development
- Coordinator of Communications
- Coordinator of Equity and Inclusion
- Chair of the Membership and Elections Committee
- Chair of the Awards Committee
- Chair of the Conferences and Programs Committee
- Other standing committees as designated by the Executive Board
The Executive Board shall appoint editors for the NACT’s publications.
In making these appointments, the Executive Board shall address issues of diversity, regional representation, and balanced representation of B-12/college/university educators and state agencies.
4.2 Terms of Office.
The NACT will hold annual elections to fill vacancies on the Executive Board in a timely manner to allow them to be introduced at the end of the annual NACT Business meeting.
President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer
The members of the NACT shall elect the President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. New leadership members are installed following the annual NACT Business meeting.
4.2.1 The President-Elect
This position requires a three-year commitment, as that office transitions into the President and Past President positions in the second and third years.
4.2.2 Elected Officers
Each Elected Officer term shall be three years in length. Terms will be staggered with balanced representation from B-12 and college/university.
4.2.3 Secretary
The office of Secretary is held for three years.
4.2.4 Treasurer
The office of Treasurer is held for three years. The NACT shall solicit nominations for Treasurer. The elected board members shall vet the nominations for Treasurer in collaboration with the Membership and Elections Committee and recommend a slate of treasurer candidates for vote by the General Membership.
4.2.5 Council Chairs
Council Chairs shall serve a two-year term.
4.2.6 Advisory Board: Coordinators and Committee Chairs
Coordinators and Committee Chairs shall serve a minimum of a one-year term.
4.2.7 Editors
The Editors of all publications shall serve three-year terms.
4.3 Responsibilities.
The Executive Board shall manage the affairs of the NACT.
Each member of the Executive Board shall have one vote, with all non-budgetary motions decided by a majority vote. The Executive Board shall be responsible for setting policy and acting on all matters of concern to the NACT.
The Advisory Board is comprised of the Coordinators and Committee Chairs. They serve as an advisory group for the Executive Board and report work of the NACT to the Executive Board annually.
Actions of the NACT Leadership shall represent the interests of the general membership of the NACT. The NACT Leadership shall communicate the official position of the NACT.
4.3.1 Elected Officers The Past-President shall serve as the NACT’s parliamentarian and advisor to the President and shall review and make recommendations for revisions to the ByLaws and orient new members of the NACT Leadership. The President shall serve for one (1) one-year term, shall preside at NACT Leadership and business meetings, and shall have general supervision of the affairs of the NACT. The President, or a designee, shall express policy of the NACT in the organization’s official publications. The President-Elect shall automatically succeed the President after the completion of a one-year term. In the absence of the President, the President-Elect shall assume the duties of the President. The Executive Board, or their designees, shall approve the budgeting process and budgets, lead strategic planning, and oversee the compliance of all ByLaws. The Executive Board is responsible for vetting all nominees for treasurer. The Executive Board shall oversee the activities of the NACT Leadership and other responsibilities as conferred by the President. The Secretary shall issue notices of NACT Leadership and business meetings of the NACT and keep and publish minutes thereafter. The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds of the NACT and shall keep regular books of the account. The Treasurer shall act as the NACT’s contact for the U.S. Internal Revenue Service and be responsible for matters pertaining to the NACT’s tax status and compliance with U.S. Internal Revenue Service regulations. The Treasurer shall countersign all investments as required and shall be authorized to collect and disburse all funds of the NACT given the authorization of the President and the activity is consistent with the NACT’s approved budget. The Treasurer shall be authorized to make payments of $2500 or less that are consistent with the NACT’s approved budget. Payments in excess of $2500 that are consistent with the NACT’s approved budget shall require the additional written authorization of the NACT President. Any payments not previously approved in the annual budget must undergo approval by the Executive Board by a majority vote. The Treasurer will be responsible for presenting an annual financial report at the annual general business meeting. In addition, the Treasurer will provide semi-annual budget activity to the members of the Executive Board at the general business meeting of the NACT. The Treasurer shall be responsible for receiving NACT funds and for keeping all appropriate records of the NACT. An outgoing Treasurer shall have 30 days to transfer funds and accounts to the incoming Treasurer. During that 30-day period, an internal audit shall be required. Additional audits, either internal or external, may be requested at any time by the Executive Board. The Elected Officers will assume responsibility for developing a proposed budget. The proposed budget shall be approved by the Executive Board with a majority vote. At the discretion of the President and/or the Executive Board, ad hoc committees may be formed. Chairs of ad hoc committees report to a member of the NACT Leadership as designated by the President.
4.3.2 Council Chairs
Each Chair shall be appointed or approved by the Elected Officers and oversee the work of their respective Council. Each Council Chair shall provide a roster of Council members to the Executive Board each year. They shall recruit Council Members to assist with the work of that Council. Councils will be comprised of a minimum of five members. All work, policy, and procedural recommendations from the Councils shall be subject to approval by the Executive Board. A report of Council work will be submitted to the Executive Board annually.
At the discretion of the Council Chair, ad hoc committees may be formed. Leader of the ad hoc committee will report to the Council Chair. The Council of Administrators will represent the views, perspectives, and interests of administrators at all levels. The Council of Educator Preparation will represent the views, perspectives, and interests of all stakeholders involved in co-teaching in educator preparation. The Council of Classroom Educators will represent the views, perspectives, and interests of all B-12 setting stakeholders.
4.3.3 Advisory Board: Coordinators and Committee Chairs
Each Chair shall be appointed by the Executive Board and recruit other committee members to assist with the work of that committee. Each committee chair shall provide a roster of members in good standing to the Executive Board each year. Each committee should work to include members representative of state agencies, teacher education, and B-12. All work, policy, and procedural recommendations from committees shall be subject to approval by the Executive Board. A report of Committee work will be submitted to the Executive Board annually.
At the discretion of the President and/or the Executive Board, ad hoc committees may be formed. Chairs of ad hoc committees report to a member of the NACT Leadership as designated by the President. Ad hoc committees will follow guidelines for Committee work as outlined above. The Coordinator of the Co-Teaching Clearinghouse shall oversee the approval of and distribution of co-teaching materials through the NACT. The Coordinator of Training and Professional Development shall facilitate the training, professional development, and support materials for co-teaching. The Coordinator of Communications shall be responsible for developing and monitoring all communications of the NACT including email, website, social media, and all other communications the Executive Board may authorize. The Coordinator shall work in cooperation with the Editors of all publications to coordinate publication content and timetables. The Coordinator of Equity and Inclusion shall direct and guide the efforts and work of the NACT to engage in equitable and inclusive practices. The Chair of the Membership and Election Committee shall be responsible for designing, developing, and implementing strategies for increasing and maintaining membership. This committee shall be responsible for the creation and implementation of recruitment literature, shall solicit and vet all nominations for the elected members of the Executive Board, and shall provide a slate to be voted on by the membership at large. The Membership and Elections Chair will collaborate with the Executive Board on nominees for treasurer. The Chair of the Conference and Programs Committee shall be responsible for developing regular initiatives and events. In addition, the Conference and Programs Committee Chair will be the liaison for all conference activities with the assistance of the Executive Board and/or its designee. This committee shall coordinate and supervise conference and program activities and shall coordinate with the Executive Board. The Chair of the Awards Committee shall be responsible for soliciting and selecting settings, groups, and/or individuals for special recognition by the NACT.
4.4 Resignation and Vacancies.
Any NACT Leadership member may resign at any time by giving written notice to the President. The resignation shall be effective upon receipt by the President or at a subsequent time as specified in the notice of resignation. Any NACT Leadership member may be removed by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
4.4.1 To fill a vacancy on the Executive Board with a remaining term of more than one year, the board shall call for a special election to be held within 90 days of the effective date of the resignation or removal. The Executive Board retains the authority to appoint an interim officer until the special election can be held.
4.4.2 To fill a vacancy on the Executive Board with a remaining term of less than one year, the president may appoint an NACT Member in good standing to fill the position with a majority vote of the Executive Board.
4.5 Contracts and Services.
Any contract, transaction, or act on behalf of the NACT shall be consistent with the NACT’s approved budget and shall not violate the ByLaws of the NACT, Articles of Incorporation, or laws of the State of Minnesota. Contracts must be signed by the Treasurer and a member of the Executive Board designated by the President. Any contracts with a liability of more than $2,500 will require authorization by a majority of the Executive Board.
No officer, agent, or representative of the NACT shall make or enter into, on the NACT’s behalf, any contract on behalf of the Executive Board without the Executive Board’s prior approval.
4.6. Compensation.
NACT Leadership members shall not receive compensation for their services but may be reimbursed for expenses.
5.1 General Business Meeting of Members.
The general business meeting of the NACT shall be held annually. At this meeting, the NACT Leadership shall report on business transacted over the prior year as well as plans for future work. The agenda for the meeting shall be announced by advanced written notice.
5.2 Voting.
At every duly called meeting of members, each member whose dues are current shall be entitled to one vote. All motions shall be decided by a majority vote. The Chair of the Membership and Elections Committee shall make and certify a complete list of names and contact addresses of those members entitled to vote at membership meetings. This list will be available at meetings for convenient reference.
5.3 Governance of Meetings.
All Executive Board and general business meetings of the NACT will be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order. At any Executive Board meeting, five members will constitute a quorum. Council and Committee meetings will be led by the Chair or designee and at least four members will constitute a quorum.
5.4 Executive Board Meetings.
The President shall schedule a meeting of the current and incoming members of the Executive Board prior to the general business meeting. The Executive Board will meet semi-annually with further meetings as determined by the President. Meetings shall be announced by written notice (postmarked or electronically validated) at least thirty days in advance. At a meeting of the Executive Board, five members, including the President or President-Elect, must be present to constitute a quorum. Meetings can, at their discretion, be conducted by electronic means.
No NACT member, or person connected with the NACT, or any other private individual shall receive any net earnings of the NACT at any time beyond being reimbursed for expenses that accrue in the work of the NACT. Further, no person shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any assets upon the dissolution of the NACT. All members of the NACT shall be deemed to have expressly consented and agreed that should the NACT dissolve, after all debts have been satisfied, remaining funds shall be paid over exclusively to a non-profit educational organization such as would then qualify under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code as it now exists or as it may be hereafter amended. The non-profit educational organization will be chosen between the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) or National Association for Professional Development Schools (NAPDS) by the Executive Board.
No member of the NACT or representative of the NACT shall take any action or carry on any activity on behalf of the NACT not permitted to be taken or carried on a tax exempt organization under the Internal Revenue Code as it now exists or may hereafter be amended, or by an organization to which contributions are deductible under such Code. No NACT money shall be used to lobby any local, state, or federal government agency.
These bylaws may be amended or repealed at any regular meeting of the NACT or by special circumstances as approved by the Executive Board, provided that written notice is given (postmarked or electronically validated) to all members of the NACT not less than 30 (thirty) days prior to the vote. Amendments will be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of those voting. Any member of the NACT may suggest an amendment through the Councils or Executive Board.
The Executive Board shall require a review of the Bylaws of the NACT every three years or more frequently upon request. The Elected Officers, in collaboration with the Past President, shall lead any review of the Bylaws.